Regular reminder: digital records could go away at any time.
Jay Bosanko, who worked at NARA for more than thirty years and who was the acting head after AOTUS Shogan’s firing, has just been axed. He was given the choice of being fired too, or retiring.
Speculation about names of incoming toadies to replace them:
Earlier today I posted about a decade old #FOIA that is still a year+ away from completion.
I don't know what's more shocking. What I just said, or the fact that saying it doesn't even phase me anymore.
Our board member Alec Ferretti should be testifying sometime in the next hour. (Technically, he'll do it wearing one of his many other hats: as a board member of the Association for Professional Genealogists @APGgenealogy.)
Also testifying right after him: Josh Taylor of NYG&B!
"Like we keep saying, open access to records prevents fraud, not enables it." LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!
Our board member Alec Ferretti (@Alecferretti) is in Albany today, testifying in the statehouse against the proposed new rules in New York State that would limit public access to historical records! ✊
And our fight is also in the Albany press today:
@ReclaimTheRecs It was great when researching my wife's family in Vermont. Walk into the town clerk's office, and they get the record books out of the safe for you to look at. The best open records policy in the country and the exact opposite of... oh I don't know... say New York?
On my way to FOIA the info you wouldn't give me
Reminder: this all finally came to light, after years of rumors, because she was born in Massachusetts, which has OPEN-TO-THE-PUBLIC BIRTH CERTIFICATES, as do a few other states.
Like we keep saying, open access to records prevents fraud, not enables it.
Gee, maybe all those genealogy organizations shouldn't have spent that money *throwing a party for her* in the rotunda with our membership fees, instead of concentrating on the actual issue of improving (or at least continuing!) public access to records.
12 months ago
1 years ago
1 years ago
Reclaim The Records is an IRS-recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Our EIN is 81-4985446. Contact us at [email protected]