Release The Kraken!

All already-digitized New York City historical records and their associated text metadata. (Yes, all.)

"Release The Kraken!"
Litigation in progress! Case filed February 14, 2022.
Group Photo at NYC DOH public comments hearing, October 2017

New York City death certificates 1949-1968 and nullification of NYC DOH records access rules

Remember that time the NYC DOH ignored ~6,000 public comments unanimously in opposition to their terrible records access rules?
Litigation in progress! Case filed April 17, 2019.
Reclaim The Records vs. NYC Municipal Archives - Brooklyn (Kings County) 'Old Town' records

Brooklyn (Kings County) “Old Town” Records

Welcome to the single stupidest lawsuit we've ever had to file against a government agency
Litigation in progress! Case filed October 15, 2018.
NYC Geographical Birth Index

Geographic Index to New York City Births, late 19th to early 20th centuries

A new tool to find people born in New York City, especially if their birth records had spelling variants or poor handwriting
No litigation needed! All records online.

Index to New York City domestic partnership records, 1993-2017

?All people and all families deserve to have their genealogical records available to them.
NY FOIL request in planning stage against NYC Clerk's Office
Photo of DVD containing the records we won

Index to New York City Marriage Licenses, 1996-2017

Wait, you mean we’re gonna have to sue the same city agency again? Over the same records set? After they lost to us last time?
Litigation successful! All records online
List of Registered Voters, 1924

List of Registered Voters in New York City for 1924

Historical voter data is often covered by Freedom of Information laws. We were the first to publish this often-overlooked resource online.
No litigation needed! All records online.

New York City Birth Certificates, 1910-1917

They're more than 100 years old, but NYC won't let us see them.
NY FOIL request in planning stage against NYC DOH
Photo of the microfilms we received

Index to New York City Marriage Licenses, 1930-1995

Yes, you can fight city hall — and win! Of course, it helps if the city refuses to return your e-mails and calls until you take them to court.
Litigation successful! All records online (minus Queens 1971-72 images)
NYC Marriage License Index

Index to New York City Marriage Licenses, 1908-1929

What do you do when a city archive won’t share its records with the public? Fight back. Read about our pilot project that started it all.
Litigation successful! All records online.